Thursday 24 March 2011


Here there is my section of the Villa Savoye. The section is through the ramp, the geographic and spiritual centre of the house. A section line is shown on each of the floor plans so it is possible to check what's going on at that point in every floor.

The section is such an interesting design in this building in particular since it shows the proportions of the main volume, but also how Le Corbusier starts and ends the promenade through the interior of the building itself by means of his unique element, THE RAMP.

With the section drawing we can also tell that the roof for him is a "lived space" where people reach the aim of their promenade and in spiritual way, the reach the garden so they are in peace.

I also wanted to stress that the main function of the ground floor is to get into the core part of the building, the main volume upstairs, so that's why the car itself can get through the ground floor and park by the start of the interior promenade.


The montage above in which the hand-drawn perspective of the building is placed corresponds to a panoramic photograph taken by myself on its actual site in Poissy, Paris, during a trip with some friends two years ago. With this composition I don't want but emphasizing the context in which it was located. Le Corbusier aimed for a house in the countryside, surrounded by nature but on the other hand, a house that although interacting with the environment it totally stands out.

As I tried to stress with the concept diagram/sketch on the bottom right corner, the very beginning of the design of this work is the creation of a volume prism-shaped floating over the ground and surrounded everywhere by nature. Since the volume is not on the ground the access to it becomes a tricky issue. The promenade starts to be fundamental aspect from the very beginning. Arriving from the "ground/earth" to the "roof/spiritual end" becomes the new matter. From this point I will send you to read the post about THE SECTION.

Wednesday 23 March 2011


Here there are some pictures of our model already finished. The materials used for it were balsa wood and white cardboard. The balsa wood represents the building itself and the elements configured as a consequence of the latter. The white cardboard represents nature, the environment, those original elements from the site before anything was built there. The austere range of materials used is a consequence of the simplicity of LeCorbusier itself regarding this issue. We wanted to stress that the whole building shares one main material, concrete, that allows him to develop from a thin internal wall to a structural column or round wall.

Saturday 19 March 2011


The team is making a good progress with the model. Let's see some pictures Jarrod took during a model-making session.